
Course One


The Innovative System of Commercial Real Estate Planning and Operation and Practical Tactics

行业痛点分析Analysis of Industry Pain Points

我国商业综合体及购物中心发展时间较短,行业普遍还未形成共识的规范和模式,从资产管理的角度和一个长时间价值维度审视商业地产的观念。也正因为发展时间较短,行业内从业人员半路出家多及科班出身少,大量从业人员来自房地产业转型,造成了很多伪行业的操作误导。比如过度迷信“体验式业态”和 “品牌化”,而忽视商业地产的以人为本和市场导向的根本属性,更忽视了前期市场细分调研对整个项目的重要作用。

China's commercial complexes and shopping centers have developed for a short period of time, and the industry generally has not yet formed a common standard and model. The concept of commercial real estate is examined from the perspective of asset management and a long-term value dimension. It is also because of the relatively short development period, the large number of employees in the industry who have become halfway decent and less trained, and the large number of employees who come from the transformation of the real estate industry, that many fake industries have been misled. For example, they are too superstitious about "experiential formats" and "branding" and ignore the basic attributes of commercial real estate, such as people-oriented and market-oriented, and even ignore the important role of market segmentation research in the early stage of the project.


The industry generally believes that the planning and investment of commercial real estate is to invite experts to put the brand on paper, and then to invite investment or agent to recruit them into the market, and they will be successful! This narrow and static view of commercial real estate just illustrates the lack of property management attributes of shopping malls in China. It only continues the short-term residential real estate thinking mode of "inviting investment" instead of "selling" in residential development and mixing commercial real estate with residential development.


The profit model of commercial real estate is rent income and asset value-added, and asset value-added has proved to be more important in the decades of development of international commercial real estate. In this regard, many domestic enterprises are far from the international industry standards in terms of rent income and asset value-added. For us, the first problem facing enterprises is not transformation and innovation, but to put the basic work in place and do better, in order to improve efficiency and long-term value-added level. Kungfu Online.


This course will be analyzed from the basic concepts, business philosophy, profit model, valuation methods, combined with industry history, development height, domestic reality and frontier trends. Do not flirt, do not imagine, speak with data, hoping to give some scientific and calm thinking to this impetuous domestic commercial real estate market.


Course Benefit

● 购物中心为零售及服务提供平台,因此需要了解国际零售发展历史,把握零售和商业地产的变化和趋势。同时分清零售商和品牌商的区别。

Shopping centers provide a platform for retail and service, so we need to understand the history of international retail development and grasp the changes and trends of retail and commercial real estate. At the same time distinguish the difference between retailers and brand dealers.


● 理解实体和数据交融的大趋势是新零售的本质,认识这种交融带给实体零售商的优势是单纯的电商无法比拟的。把握零售发展和业态演变的趋势,发现新的招商需求和机遇。

Understanding the general trend of integration of entities and data is the essence of new retailing, and understanding the advantages this integration brings to entity retailers is incomparable to pure e-commerce. Grasp the trend of retail development and format evolution, and discover new investment demand and opportunities.


● 市场细分调研是如何贯穿整个项目以致于影响其成败的?

How does market segmentation research run through the whole project and affect its success or failure?


● 中国购物中心正朝市场导向转变,理解市场调查的重要性并展开学习,从人口变化、行业数据、经济分析及政策环境认识中国购物中心发展的机遇和挑战。

China's shopping centers are changing towards market orientation, understanding the importance of market research and learning, and understanding the opportunities and challenges of the development of China's shopping centers from demographic changes, industry data, economic analysis and policy environment.


● 从资产管理的维度和视角全面了解招商工作对于资产价值提升的作用。

From the dimension and perspective of asset management, a comprehensive understanding of the role of investment promotion in asset value promotion.


● 招商工作的基本构成要素;招商组合战略的计划。

The basic elements of investment promotion work; The plan of investment promotion combination strategy.


● 揭示目前流行的新兴业态的战略、战术研究。

Reveal the strategy and tactics research of the emerging formats that are popular at present.


Curriculum outline

一、商业地产概念及规划运营体系 Commercial Real Estate Concept and Planning Operation System

1. 商业地产广义与狭义之分 1. The broad and narrow sense of commercial real estate
2. 商业地产主要形态与发展分析 2. Analysis on the Main Forms and Development of Commercial Real Estate
3. 中国商业地产未来的发展趋势 3. Future Development Trend of China's Commercial Real Estate
4. 新时期商业地产进入美好时代 4. Commercial real estate has entered a beautiful era in the new era.
5. 中国商业地产的模式和特征 5. Patterns and Characteristics of Chinese Commercial Real Estate
6. 商业地产的灵魂核心所在 6. The Soul Core of Commercial Real Estate
7. 成功商业地产运营的理念基础 7. Conceptual basis for successful commercial real estate operations
8. 不同操盘理念的主体关系 8. The main relationship between different trading concepts
9. 商业地产的创新操盘模式导入 9. Introduction of innovative trading mode for commercial real estate
10. 商业地产运营的终极目标 10. The ultimate goal of commercial real estate operation
11. 商业地产的规划运营体系 11. commercial real estate planning and operation system

二、商业规划与商业定位 Business Planning and Business Orientation

1. 商业规划的理性工作

1. Rational Work in Business Planning

2. 怎样提出及确立准确的项目概念?

2. How to propose and establish accurate project concepts?


3. How to determine business objectives and models?

4. 初步市场调查做什么?

4. What does preliminary market research do?

5. 深度市场调研研什么?

5. What is in-depth market research?

6. 如何通过市场摸查为引商及选商垫定基础?

6. How to lay the foundation for introducing and selecting businessmen through market survey?

7. 市场调查和市场调研的实操手法

7. Practical Techniques of Market Investigation and Market Investigation

8. 市场调研的操作与市场细分示意

8. Operation of Market Research and Indication of Market Segmentation

9. 采用什么模型做项目定位与评估?

9. What models are used for project positioning and evaluation?

10. 波士顿矩阵评估项目产品定位

10. Product Orientation of Boston Matrix Assessment Project

11. 波特五力模型分析竞争环境定位

11. Porter's Five Forces Model Analysis on the Positioning of Competitive Environment

12. SWOT分析解决市场经营定位

12. SWOT Analysis Solves Market Operation Orientation

13. 价值发掘分析解决功能定位

13. Value Discovery Analysis Solves Functional Orientation

14. 如何进行经营与发展差异化定位?

14. How to differentiate management and development?

三、商业规划布局与设计 Business Planning Layout and Design

1. 商业布局布什么?

1. What to arrange in business?

2. 商业业态组合选择

2. Business Form Portfolio Selection


3. Business Form Combination Strategy

4. 项目功能业态布局

4. Layout of project function format

5. 如何厘定交通组织动线

5. How to Determine Traffic Organization Line

6. 如何因应商铺模型确立平面开间

6. How to Establish Plane Interior in accordance with Shop Model

7. 努力实现订单开发详规

7. Efforts to Realize Detailed Orders Development Regulations

8. 规避解决商业需求与建筑设计矛盾

8. Avoiding and Resolving the Contradiction between Commercial Demand and Architectural Design

9. 各种不同形态的规划特点

9. Planning Characteristics of Various Forms

10. 多种业态混合的规划特点

10. Planning characteristics of mixed formats

11. 不同建筑形态的规划特点

11. Planning Characteristics of Different Architectural Forms


12. Planning characteristics of different regional cultures


13.Misconceptions in Business Planning

四、商业地产的招商策略 Business Invitation Strategy of Commercial Real Estate

1. 招商策略的基本法则 1. Basic Principles of Investment Promotion Strategy
2. 商业地产招商的不同理念 2. Different Concepts of Commercial Real Estate Investment
3. 招商模式和选商模式的区别 3.Differences between Business Invitation Model and Business Selection Model
4. 有效招商的原则策略纲领 4. Principles and Strategies for Effective Investment Promotion
5. 招商渠道的选择与拓展 5. Selection and Expansion of Investment Channels
6. 招商策略的渠道人脉资源网络 6. Channel Networking Resources Network of Investment Promotion Strategy
7. 招商选商的逻辑步骤 7. Logical Procedures of Business Invitation and Selection
8. 招商与选商的技战术 8. Technology and Tactics of Inviting Businessmen and Selecting Businessmen
9. 招商与选商的基本掌控工具 9. Fundamental Control Tools for Business Invitation and Selection
10.周密规划招商执行计划 10. Careful Planning for Investment Promotion Implementation Plan
11. 招商实战的基本步骤和阶段技术分层 11. Fundamental steps and stages of investment promotion and technology stratification
12.招商的营销辅助手段和营销规划 12. Marketing Assistant Means and Marketing Planning for Investment Promotion
13.招商团队成员的基本素质要求 13. Basic Quality Requirements of Members of Investment Promotion Team
14.招商团队的角色配置维度 14. Dimension of role allocation of investment promotion team
15.招商团队的基本建设和基本结构 15. Capital Construction and Basic Structure of Investment Promotion Team
16.招商团队成员的角色转换 16. The Role Conversion of Members of Investment Promotion Team
17.招商团队的基本激励机制和管理 17. Basic incentive mechanism and management of investment promotion team

五、商业地产运营管理 Commercial Real Estate Operation Management

1. 商业运营的感性工作 1. Sensory Work in Business Operations
2.商业运营的关键节点:开业筹划 2. The Key Node of Business Operation: Start-up Planning
3. 商业运营的重要核心:客户关系管理 3. The Important Core of Business Operation: Customer Relationship Management
4. 商业运营的至高境界 4. The Supreme Realm of Business Operation
5. 项目社区公关的有效运用 5. Effective Application of Project Community Public Relations
6. 商业运营与物业管理质的区别 6. The Difference between Commercial Operation and Property Management Quality
7. 滞感区间在商业运营管理中的意义 7. The Significance of Detention Interval in Business Operation Management
8. 消费终端行为模式的持续研究 8. Continuous Research on the Behavior Model of Consumption Terminals
9. 如何保障商家单店盈利? 9. How to guarantee the profit of a single store?
10. 商业运营的误区 10. Misconceptions in Business Operation


Course Consultation / Project Cooperation


我国商业综合体及购物中心发展时间较短,行业普遍还未形成共识的规范和模式,从资产管理的角度和一个长时间价值维度审视商业地产的观念。也正因为发展时间较短,行业内从业人员半路出家多及科班出身少,大量从业人员来自房地产业转型,造成了很多伪行业的操作误导。比如过度迷信“体验式业态”和 “品牌化”,而忽视商业地产的以人为本和市场导向的根本属性,更忽视了前期市场细分调研对整个项目的重要作用。

China's commercial complexes and shopping centers have developed for a short period of time, and the industry generally has not yet formed a common standard and model. The concept of commercial real estate is examined from the perspective of asset management and a long-term value dimension. It is also because of the relatively short development period, the large number of employees in the industry who have become halfway decent and less trained, and the large number of employees who come from the transformation of the real estate industry, that many fake industries have been misled. For example, they are too superstitious about "experiential formats" and "branding" and ignore the basic attributes of commercial real estate, such as people-oriented and market-oriented, and even ignore the important role of market segmentation research in the early stage of the project.


The industry generally believes that the planning and investment of commercial real estate is to invite experts to put the brand on paper, and then to invite investment or agent to recruit them into the market, and they will be successful! This narrow and static view of commercial real estate just illustrates the lack of property management attributes of shopping malls in China. It only continues the short-term residential real estate thinking mode of "inviting investment" instead of "selling" in residential development and mixing commercial real estate with residential development.


The profit model of commercial real estate is rent income and asset value-added, and asset value-added has proved to be more important in the decades of development of international commercial real estate. In this regard, many domestic enterprises are far from the international industry standards in terms of rent income and asset value-added. For us, the first problem facing enterprises is not transformation and innovation, but to put the basic work in place and do better, in order to improve efficiency and long-term value-added level. Kungfu Online.


This course will be analyzed from the basic concepts, business philosophy, profit model, valuation methods, combined with industry history, development height, domestic reality and frontier trends. Do not flirt, do not imagine, speak with data, hoping to give some scientific and calm thinking to this impetuous domestic commercial real estate market.